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CL in the Job Description

September 2018 by Emma Charlotte Richards

Does your organisation value its Carbon Literate staff? Do you want to encourage individuals who are Carbon Literate to join your workforce?

If your organisation includes Carbon Literacy in job descriptions, we will be able to advertise these for free!

Simplify your hiring process by getting straight to those individuals with the skills you desire.

Individuals who are ‘Carbon Literate’ have undergone accredited training, and have produced individual and group carbon reduction actions that are suitably significant to be awarded a Carbon Literacy certificate.

Whether you view being Carbon Literate as an essential or desirable skill, The Carbon Literacy Project is happy to support you and your recruitment process.

Jobs can be advertised on our website, across social media, and in our monthly newsletter – directly reaching our entire Carbon Literate audience.

Some organisations have already advertised with us, both for specific Carbon Literacy related roles, and for roles in organisations where Carbon Literacy is highly valued in its people.

Get in touch to discuss how we can help you, at info@carbonliteracy.com

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