The Carbon Literacy Project and its partners have developed a growing range of sectoral courses and materials to make it easier and simpler to adopt Carbon Literacy.
Using a sectoral course eliminates the need to develop a course from scratch, whether by using an off-the-shelf Toolkit or a sector course kit as an informed starting point.
All Carbon Literacy courses are designed with a specific audience in mind, but the materials can be tailored, customised, and then reaccredited as a bespoke Carbon Literacy course.
You can find out what Sector Materials are available below.
Coming soon!
The sectoral course materials are designed and curated for the purpose of certified Carbon Literacy training only.
Organisations or Trainers seeking to adopt these materials or adapt them for new sectors or audience should in the first instance approach the Project team – you can contact us via
If you don’t see your sector here and wish to create a course, please visit our resources page.