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Need Help Creating a Carbon Literacy Course?

November 2017 by Rachel Harding

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Course Kit available for download and next Criteria Checker Workshop 29th November 2017

Course Kit Beta Available for Download Now!

Are you currently putting a Carbon Literacy course together or thinking about it?

The Carbon Literacy Project recognises that there is sometimes so much information out there that it can be daunting to put together a days’ worth of learning. That’s why we have developed the Carbon Literacy Course Kit!

  • Think of this Course Kit as a ‘skeleton course’ that will help you with the framework for your Carbon Literacy training materials.
  • There are some key ingredients that we have structured to help you. These include some of the aspects of climate change science, what’s happening to our planet, why taking action is important, and how we can motivate others to take action.
  • Full of links to images, articles, videos and tried and tested activities.

The course kit ‘BETA’ is ready to download from our website. Future versions will be stored here too. Click here to download. Please let us know your feedback of the course kit or if you have found it useful at info@carbonliteracy.com

“Drop-in” to Carbon Literacy 29th November 2017

Join us in person or via Skype for our criteria checking workshop! This is an opportunity for organisations and professional trainers to pop in and spend an hour or so one-to-one with someone from the project. We will provide advice on Criteria Checker completion, course design and evidencing, plus general input on what approaches and resources are available and particularly useful for your audience.

Remember, if your organisation is not able to create and/or deliver a Carbon Literacy course then commission an experienced Carbon Literacy Trainer to do just that! See our Trainer Directory or get in touch at info@carbonliteracy.com

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