

The Carbon Literacy: Knowledge (CLK) E-learning Framework has been developed to assist organisations and trainers in delivering Carbon Literacy. The framework meets almost all of the requirements of the “Knowledge” component of the Carbon Literacy Standard.

Because of the requirement to work with others, a learner cannot currently become fully Carbon Literate through online learning alone, but completion of the e-learning course generates a CL Knowledge interim certificate, with the learner being approximately half-way through their “days worth” of training to become Carbon Literate.

This e-learning course is optional and is not the only way that learners can become Carbon Literate. Using CLK provides an easily-accessible, hassle-free, consistent package that ensures your learners will meet the ‘Knowledge’ criteria of the Carbon Literacy Standard, whilst allowing them to work at their own pace, when convenient, and potentially with fewer challenges of availability and cost than face to face training.


The course covers the basic science of climate change, in a structured and easy to navigate way, as part of the journey towards a low carbon culture.


CLK collates the latest scientific evidence and thinking from climate change scientists across the world. Wherever possible, all material is referenced back to the original sources, studies, web pages and other resources so learners can follow the information back to its root if they wish. The framework has been written in such a way as to allow regular updating by The Carbon Literacy Project, to ensure that the quality of the information passed on to learners remains at the highest standard and that the science is as up to date as possible.

What’s involved?

There are 8 sections to complete, taking a learner through the basics of climate change science, how climate change is already affecting us and the rest of the world, and what we can do to help.

  1. What Greenhouse Gases are, and their relationship to weather and climate.
  2. How climate here and elsewhere is likely to change, and how we know this.
  3. How changes in the climate are likely to affect us in the UK and in other parts of the world.
  4. How our actions impact the amount of greenhouse gases produced and the impact that they have.
  5. What we can do to reduce our impact and the benefits and disadvantages of taking action.
  6. What we are already doing locally and nationally.
  7. Where we can go to get help. What help is available to us.
  8. How we can motivate others to take action, including gaining the confidence to express our Carbon Literacy to others.

It takes on average three hours to work through all 8 sections, but this time will vary between learners. Each section has been designed to ensure learners cover enough information to meet the Standard, then having the option to either move on (having met the minimum requirement) or staying and exploring further – sometimes extensively.

Each section covers the ‘need to know’ basics using text and video, whilst hosting additional ‘satellite’ information (key facts, case studies and infographics). Learners can choose to interact with additional sections depending on their own interests. Interspersed with activities and challenges to actively engage and inspire, most sections are then finished with a quiz.

"This is the best learning experience I think I have ever had!"

Carbon Literacy E-Learning Report

"[I] found the course very informative and [it] really shifted my thinking on this topic. [It’s] enabled me to provide better leadership around change for my organisation."

Carbon Literacy E-Learning Report

"Carbon Literacy training is the environmental education our community needs in order for my generation (the people who have the time and power to make a change) to learn about climate change and what we can do to help make our world healthy again."

Carbon Literacy E-Learning Report

"This was a very informative and enjoyable module to follow, and its explanations and science readily understood by someone with little scientific knowledge."

Carbon Literacy E-Learning Report

Becoming Carbon Literate

Following the completion of CLK, a learner will be about half-way towards becoming Carbon Literate.

As Carbon Literacy requires an element of peer to peer learning and group enquiry within the course, e-learning is mostly used as a component, providing a consistent foundation knowledge, to then be followed up with (roughly) half a day of face-to-face work on issues relevant to your organisation or audience, enabling you to meet the peer-to-peer, group enquiry and action requirements of the training.

After this, there are different pathways you can take to achieve completion of a day’s worth of Carbon Literacy training:

Organisations: Complete half a day’s training using your own accredited Carbon Literacy training materials, or find out if there are ready-made materials for your sector.

Individuals: Currently there is no formal follow-on pathway for individuals that undergo CLK, but you can book onto a Carbon Literacy course to undergo a day’s worth of training to gain your Carbon Literacy certification. This can be done in addition to, or instead of, undertaking the CLK E-Learning module. Browse courses on our Events page.


The base price of the Carbon Literacy: Knowledge E-Learning is £40+VAT per licence.

When purchasing large quantities of E-Learning licences, discounts apply – the breakdown of this can be found in the table below. The minimum order amount at which bulk discounts apply is 10 licences. To receive a discount, licences need to be ordered in a single block.

Please contact us listing ‘CLK’ as the subject if you wish to purchase CLK E-Learning licences.

No. of Licences Price Maximum sensible order quantity (MSOQ) MSOQ Calculation
Minimum order for
next price step
1 – 9 £40+VAT 9 9 x £40 = £360 10 x £38 = £380
10 – 49 £38+VAT 48 48 x £38 = £1,824 50 x £37 = £1,850
50 – 99 £37+VAT 94 94 x £37 = £3,478 100 x £35 = £3,500
100 – 249 £35+VAT 214 214 x £35 = £7,490 250 x £30 = £7,500
250 – 749 £30+VAT 625 625 x £30 = £18,750 750 x £25 = £18,750
750 – 1499 £25+VAT 1380 1380 x £25 = £34,500 1500 x £23 = £34,500
1500+ £23+VAT 2608 2608 x £23 = £59,984 3000 x £20 = £60,000
3000+ £20+VAT

The maximum sensible order quantity (MSOQ) is displayed to help you with budgeting for your roll-out.

For example:

If you require 95 E-Learning licences, this will fall under the 50-99 pricing band of £37+VAT, and cost £3,512.

However, the MSOQ for the 50-99 pricing band is 94 licences, which means that for any quantity over 94 licences it is more cost-effective for you to purchase 100.

This is because, if you purchase 100 licences (rather than the 95 required) the price drops to £35+VAT, bringing your total to £3,500 (a saving of £12) and also leaves you with 5 extra E-Learning licences which you may need in the future, or which you could offer to partner organisations, clients, suppliers, etc.

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