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Top 5 e-Newsletters

April 2015 by Virginia Harvey

There is a wealth of knowledge out there to keep you up to date with all that’s currently going on in the field of climate change. Following on from our popular “Top 5” recommendations, we decided to introduce our “Top 5 Online Newsletters”.

Sign up to these to keep yourself updated on current issues revolving around sustainability and climate change, and browse for articles on particular environmental subjects via these easy-access newsletters. Giving you relevant, up-to-date, climate-change package delivered straight into your inbox. Perfect for those morning-coffee-moments before you get into the swing of the day. If you’re not careful, you’ll be swept up in a trail of interesting, ground-breaking, sobering articles. But all in a good way, of course. Read about how our environment is changing, how our actions are contributing to this and what we can do to reduce our impact.

This isn’t an exhaustive list. Feel free to email or tweet us with your further suggestions: if you know better sites: Tell us! And we’ll share them more widely…

Coming in at First Place:


Environmental news and debate direct into your inbox. Guardian: Environment offers a concise and well presented collection of news reports about the environment, climate change, green living and many more topics, from across the globe, with links to excellent resources. In each edition, they also include “The Week of Wildlife – in Photos” which is always a winner in our books.


An excellent portal for news, reviews and discussion on sustainable thinking, particularly for businesses.
Covers politics as it interfaces with business and sustainability, updates in real time and has an excellent twitter feed.This e-newsletter is wonderful and we’re big fans, although the occasional article sits behind a paywall. That said, all the news headlines, blogs and reviews are free, and if you’re interested, they do a months free trial to the full site.


EcoWatch is a leading news website reporting on environmental news, green living and sustainable business. EcoWatch also feature content from renowned environmental and business leaders via its ‘Insights’ blog.


Grist is a US-based (but nevertheless relevant and always entertaining) source of “intelligent, irreverent environmental news and commentary”.
The site covers climate, environmental awareness, energy, food, cities, politics, business, green living, and the occasional adorable baby animal.
Lighthearted and fun, with serious undertones.


edie.net has been the market-leading information resource driving sustainability in business for nearly 20 years.
Articles include: (i) policy, legislation, standards and business drivers; (ii) best practice examples from the business and public sector; (iii) sustainability solutions including emerging and existing technologies and services; and (iv) the broader sustainability and economic landscape affecting business decisions.
Runners- up:

1. ClimateScience

The website was set up in 2010 with the aim of reporting the latest research in climate science, and to share emerging understanding. They are dedicated to fair and accurate reporting of climate change facts, developments in scientific research and the views of climate scientists.
2. TheTree The Tree website provides carefully fact-checked text, resources and compelling visual assets in a concise, accessible way, with the aim of assisting people in Europe, North America and Australia to engage constructively in debates and communications around these issues.

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