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Updates to the Carbon Literacy Standard

April 2018 by Emma Charlotte Richards

Image Credit: The Carbon Literacy Trust 2018

For those eagle-eyed amongst you, you might’ve noticed that we’ve updated our Carbon Literacy Standard.

This includes general updates throughout, a new section covering ‘Process’, and a new accreditation for ‘Carbon Literacy Training Organisations’.

The new Standard can currently be viewed in two formats:


  • Black text (what has stayed the same) and red text (the new and updated areas of the Standard). This version will be useful to individuals and organisations who have worked on Carbon Literacy previously, helping you to immediately see what is new and if any changes might need to be made.

The Carbon Literacy Standard v2.5 – Black and Red


  • All black text, shown as one cohesive document, for individuals and organisations that are new to Carbon Literacy.

The Carbon Literacy Standard v2.5


If you have any questions about something you’ve read in the new Carbon Literacy Standard, please email us, at – info@carbonliteracy.com

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