Get Started

STEP 1: Certify your training

The Carbon Literacy Project is the accreditation body and therefore does not deliver any Carbon Literacy training. You can either deliver your own training in-house or source experienced trainers externally. If you wish to train your audience in-house, your next step is to build a Carbon Literacy course for your audience that complies with the Carbon Literacy Standard and have it certified by The Project.

As you develop your piece of training, consider the following:

  • Identify your audience. This may be a community group, your colleagues, your management, students, or staff from a sector of business that you’re familiar with.
  • Decide where Carbon Literacy fits most naturally into your group or organisation. For example, incorporated into training that’s already being delivered.
  • Read the Carbon Literacy Standard, a document that sets out the elements that define Carbon Literacy, and use these elements to build the structure and content of your Carbon Literacy course.
  • Complete and submit a ‘Criteria Checker’ to outline where each element of Carbon Literacy is addressed in your piece of training.
  • Relevance and Action: Carbon Literacy by its very definition requires your course to be relevant to its learners, both geographically and sectorally. Your course must also inspire action, teaching your learners how they can reduce their personal carbon footprints, and that of your organisation.


Training Options

A full Carbon Literacy course is ~8 hours of learning. This learning can be split into two half-days sessions or anything you consider more appropriate for your audience or organisation. You may wish to consider delivering your course using ‘Carbon Literacy: Knowledge‘ – our tailor-made, e-learning course that has been built around the Carbon Literacy Standard.

To enlist Carbon Literacy professionals to design and/or deliver your training for you, visit our Trainer Directory.

This pack contains all the information you’ll need to design your Carbon Literacy course, map it against the CL Standard, and to submit the structure and training materials to the Project team for approval.

NB: Places of education are currently not eligible to apply, and will instead be able to apply to the soon-to-be launched CLE accreditation.

Getting Started

STEP 2: Certify your people

Once your training initiative has been formally approved by the Project team, your Carbon Literacy course can now be delivered to your audience.

  • Deliver your training. Collect evidence that shows us what your learners have done and make sure you take some photographs for you (and us) to publicise your courses.
  • Submit your evidence and other documentation to the Project team. The Project team will review and assess this evidence and use it to certify your learners as Carbon Literate.
  • Tell us when you are delivering your training. We like to drop in to observe from time to time, we sometimes have high-profile guests who like to observe training. Importantly, we may know of opportunities for you to publicise or fund what you are doing if we have sufficient notice.

Celebrate and repeat! Your participants are now certified as Carbon Literate.

Keep a record of what you have done and how many Carbon Literacy ‘graduates’ you have, as this will form the foundation of your application to become an accredited Carbon Literate Organisation or an accredited Carbon Literacy Training Organisation.

The link above contains the documents you’ll need to submit to the Project team so that we can certify your learners as Carbon Literate.

STEP 3: Certify your organisation

The Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO) accreditation is applicable to any organisation, from large corporations to small or medium-sized enterprises. The CLO Standard details the process and benefits of gaining Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum accreditation.

This pack contains everything you need to know to achieve Carbon Literate Organisation accreditation at Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum level.

Become a Carbon Literate Organisation

View our Price Matrices

CLO Certifications

CLT: Optional enhanced accreditation

The Carbon Literacy Trainer certification scheme contains three distinct tiers of certification, each reflecting increasing levels of Carbon Literacy training and support expertise.

– Carbon Literacy Facilitator (CLF) (Level 1)

– Carbon Literacy Trainer (CLT) (Level 2)

– Carbon Literacy Consultant (CLC) (Level 3)

These certifications identify and distinguish our most experienced and accomplished Carbon Literacy Trainers, Facilitators and Consultants.

Certified CLF/T/Cs can be found in our Trainer Directory.

Please note: We are currently in the process of updating the CL Facilitator, CL Trainer and CL Consultant Packs. For information or access to materials on each tier, please email .

CLTO: Optional enhanced accreditation

The Carbon Literacy Training Organisation (CLTO) accreditation identifies an organisation as having a depth of experience and expertise in designing and delivering Carbon Literacy training.

It is primarily aimed at professional training organisations and consultancies that design and deliver Carbon Literacy training solutions at scale, to many individuals and multiple organisations.

CLTO evidences expertise, quality and a strong track record of delivery, and accredited organisations will take precedence when support and consultancy on Carbon Literacy are requested.

The opportunity to apply for CLTO accreditation is by offered by the Project team, by invitation only. Find out what our CLTOs have achieved so far.

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