Image Credit: The Carbon Literacy Trust 2021
Wow, what a year we’re having…
We’re delighted to announce that as of the 23rd July 2021, 20,000 citizens are now formally certified as Carbon Literate!
This means that over 40,000 actions have been taken in communities, businesses, local authorities, schools, universities and more, to build a zero-carbon society across the UK and beyond.
Since its inception in 2012 Carbon Literacy has grown steadily, but for the last five years has been doubling in size roughly every 20 months. We reached 10,000 certified learners only two years ago, in 2019, having taken seven years to get to that point. So, we’re really excited to see what we can achieve in the remainder of 2021, and, even more waht we will have achieved as Carbon Literacy reaches its decade of engagement on climate change next year..- we’ve got our eyes on 30,000!
“We could not have achieved this without the work of the scores of partner organisations and supporters, the hundreds of trainers, and the thousands of organisations and learners who have undertaken and achieved Carbon Literacy, and who have worked so hard to make this happen and deliver real change now”.
– Dave Coleman, Co-founder and Managing Director of The Carbon Literacy Project
If you would like to find out how Carbon Literacy might work in your organisation, get in touch.
Trainers looking to include the latest Project infographic (above) in their courses can always find and download the most up-to-date version on the about us page.