Image Credit: The Carbon Literacy Trust 2023
We are absolutely delighted to announce that as of Tuesday 9th May, 60,000 individuals are now formally certified as Carbon Literate!
This milestone means that over 120,000 actions have been pledged – in communities, businesses, local authorities, schools and universities, all around the world – to cut carbon emissions across all sectors of society.
Now, with over 60,000 Carbon Literate citizens spread across the globe – doing things differently, affecting their organisations and their neighbourhoods, creating the market for low-carbon goods and services, and changing society with increasing rapidity – a cultural shift is not only anticipated but already ensuing.
This milestone comes after reaching 50,000 certified learners in January 2023, meaning that we certified 10,000 learners in a record-breaking time of just four months! Prior to this, it took six months to increase from 40,000 to 50,000 learners, and furthermore, we have now doubled the number of Carbon Literate citizens in just over a year; all of this highlights the many ways in which Carbon Literacy is growing and expanding at a rapid speed.
Since reaching our last learner milestone, we have welcomed 20 Carbon Literate Organisations, over 30 training professionals, accredited more than 30 new Carbon Literacy courses, and have three more nations officially delivering Carbon Literacy – all of which are sure to contribute to the increasing speed at which we are disseminating Carbon Literacy across the globe, to pave the way for a low-carbon future for all.
We could not have achieved this continued success without the work of all of the organisations and trainers that are so dedicated to the spread of Carbon Literacy, and who are mobilising learners everywhere to take actionable steps towards a better future. Or without our valued Partners and supporters, and our incredible team of staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to make all of this possible.
After an incredible start to the year, and with the launch of the Carbon Literacy Double – an initiative that supports our attempt to double as an organisation again after naturally doubling in size in 2022 – we are so incredibly excited to see what else 2023 has in store for us. We still have our sights set on doubling our organisational impact and reaching 100,000 learners by the end of the year, but we also look forward to seeing how else Carbon Literacy can move forward, expand and grow to allow for a positive shift towards a low-carbon culture.
If you want to find out how Carbon Literacy would work for your community, group or organisation, please get in touch.
If you’d like to support the continued growth and expansion of Carbon Literacy, you can become a Partner of The Carbon Literacy Project via our Partner Scheme. As a small charity operating on a global scale with no government funding, we rely on the support of our generous Partners to help us continue this unprecedented, yet necessary growth in demand for Carbon Literacy.
Our most up-to-date monthly infographic can always be found on our About Us page, alongside information on each metric and descriptions of how we calculate these.