Image Credit: The Carbon Literacy Trust 2018
Calling all organisations that deliver Carbon Literacy to multiple organisations! The Carbon Literacy Training Organisation accreditation scheme is here!
What is the CLTO Accreditation?
The Carbon Literacy Training Organisation (CLTO) is the accreditation that identifies an organisation as having a depth of experience and expertise in designing and delivering Carbon Literacy training to others. It is primarily aimed at professional training organisations and consultancies that design and deliver Carbon Literacy training solutions at scale to many individuals and multiple organisations.
CLTOs identify themselves through the use of the distinctive CLTO logo. The accreditation is granted for an initial 12 months and is then subject to annual review and renewal.
The Practical Steps to qualify as a Carbon Literacy Training Organisation:
1. Read the Carbon Literacy Training Organisation Standard document and FAQs in full;
2. Fill out a CLTO Application Form and collate any necessary supplementary evidence for your application (download Case Study Template here);
3. Submit your completed CLTO Application Form, including your evidence and payment to
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