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New Carbon Literacy for Education Toolkit Materials

August 2023 by Education Team

Image Credit: University of Queensland Business School

Launch of the Manchester Met Education Leadership Toolkit

After the brilliant success of the general Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) Toolkit courses for staff and students, Manchester Met has been working to develop a course specifically designed for leadership. The Education Leadership Toolkit course follows a similar teaching approach to the standard Carbon Literacy training, tailored specifically for those in leadership roles.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that engaging leadership is intrinsic to the success of Carbon Literacy in any educational setting. It is hoped that visionary and strong leadership will help to improve the uptake and engagement of Carbon Literacy, thereby accelerating carbon reduction in educational settings.

General Manchester Met Toolkit course updates

In addition to officially launching the leadership materials, we are excited to announce the updates of the general Toolkit materials. We understand how important it is for learners to receive the most up-to-date climate science and policy information from their Carbon Literacy training. It is our priority to keep up with the fast-paced changes in the climate sphere and to maintain the relevancy of our Toolkits in line with the changing world.

How to find out more

We will be hosting a free webinar on 12th September at 4 pm, where you can hear from the Toolkit authors at Manchester Met about the leadership course. They will discuss how the materials have been successfully used within their institute to embed climate education and action across the organisation. There will also be an overview of the course content and structure and how organisations can use it effectively.

What has changed in the updates?

  • The MMU Education Toolkit will now be separated into three audiences. There are now three Carbon Literacy courses for Colleges and Universities, for staff, students and leadership. This segmentation enables more tailored training based on the audience.
  • Improved trainer guidance. There is now more guidance for trainers on how to effectively use and deliver the materials as well as how the materials can be adapted and developed.
  • Updated and changed activities. In addition to the most up-to-date data being embedded into activities, there are some activity changes, including some having moved to other modules and new and improved activities being added.
  • Improved accessibility. The Carbon Literacy Project is looking to improve the accessibility of all materials and ensure that everyone has equal access to training. The updated materials will have improved accessibility to aid individuals with different learning needs.
  • Better module flexibility. Whilst the training materials have always been flexible in allowing sessions to run over multiple days, the updated materials will now be segmented so that each module is one hour long. This is intended to improve the flexibility of training sessions.

How can I access the materials and updates?

If you are interested in the leadership materials, attending the free webinar will provide a great overview of the materials. You’ll learn how to effectively use the materials in your institution and have the opportunity to ask questions about the materials. Book your spot here.

To access the leadership course materials, simply get in touch with the education team at education@carbonliteracy.com, and we can give you access. Much like the previous Carbon Literacy courses, the only associated costs are related to the certification of learners.

If you need the updated materials, then please get in touch with the education team at education@carbonliteracy.com, and we can provide the updated materials to you. Due to the number of changes made, we recommend downloading the entire Toolkit rather than copying and pasting any materials over to the initial materials.

Please note that we will not be releasing the updates or the Leadership materials until after the launch webinar.

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