Image Credit: The Carbon Literacy Trust 2017
To become certified as Carbon Literate, individuals must complete a day’s worth of learning, incorporating knowledge, values and action. The ‘day’s worth of learning’ can be achieved in a number of ways – Workshops, Self-Directed learning (e.g. homework set by your trainer), and/or E-learning – and must add up to at least 8 hours
E-learning was introduced in 2015 as a delivery method for the Knowledge section of the Carbon Literacy Standard, and may be used in part fulfilment of a Carbon Literacy (CL) certification. E-learning provides organisations with an easily-accessible, hassle-free, consistent package that ensures learners will meet the Knowledge criteria of the Carbon Literacy Standard, whilst allowing them to work at their own pace, as convenient, and potentially with fewer challenges of availability and cost than face to face training. It also enables learners to complete the e-learning in their own time; whether this be at work or at home.
Because of the requirement for working with others, and for personal and group action, a learner cannot currently become fully Carbon Literate through online learning alone. However, completion of a customised CLK course generates a CL Knowledge interim certificate, with the learner being approximately half-way through their “day’s worth of training” to become Carbon Literate. The e-learning can be undertaken in isolation, but only when it is paired alongside a face-to-face session can
an individual become Carbon Literate.
We have recently completed a study into the effects of the e-learning upon learners’:
Executive Summary
“The report provides insight into the effectiveness of the ‘Carbon Literacy: Knowledge’ (CLK) e-learning package as a method of delivery for the Knowledge section of the Carbon Literacy Standard. Analysis of two surveys were undertaken, one prior to participants undertaking CLK e-learning (the ‘pre-course’ questionnaire) and the other once the e-learning had been completed (the ‘post-course’ questionnaire). Our analysis showed that CLK e-learning is an effective delivery method across all areas questioned (Figure 1). We show that the CLK e-learning is effective in motivating learners to take action on climate change (CC). Following on from the e-learning, participants are most likely to feel more aware, motivated, and positive. 94% of learners felt their attitude towards CC is either improved or reaffirmed by the information they encountered. 95% of learners felt either ‘fairly’ or ‘very confident’ in taking action within their organisation. 52% of participants commented that they found the course informative and/or enjoyable.”
You can read the full version of the report here.