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Training the Trainers of Broughton Trust

June 2014 by Virginia Harvey

Image Credit: Broughton Trust

Last year, the Broughton Trust’s community champions and volunteers were trained to deliver carbon literacy courses in East Salford by Carbon Literacy trainer, Pauline Lozoya Hocking.

The course began with a discussion of the participants’ thoughts about and experiences of climate change and sustainability. Following this, a discussion about the science behind climate change was brought to life by the participants’ own scientific and pre-existing knowledge.

From discussions of the global and local impacts in the short and long term, the group concluded that, given the global nature of economic relationships, our futures are all intertwined.  Furthermore, we’re all made vulnerable by climate unpredictability, whether or not we’re directly affected by extreme weather.

Towards the end of the first day, the group assessed their carbon footprint.  The day was lively and filled with energy and enthusiasm, and it was enriched by the participants’ individual knowledge and enquiring nature.

On the second day, the high level of interest and eagerness to learn continued.  After discussing what kind of activities could be used when training individuals, the group went on to look at ‘Tools for Addressing Groups’, session planning, and delivery.  They discussed how to ensure variety, cater for all learning styles, manage timings, and know when to ‘go with the flow’.

Amongst the group there were experienced educators who contributed valuable experience of session planning and delivery.  This, mixed with the deep and rich experience of participants who had actively been involved in projects such as local gardening projects, upcycling, and sustainable catering, left Pauline in no doubt that, with some initial support, this group of trainees will become excellent Carbon Literacy trainers.

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