Our News

80,000 Carbon Literate Citizens

January 2024 by Sara Noor

Image Credit: The Carbon Literacy Trust 2024

We are delighted to announce that, as of 10th January and less than two weeks into 2024, we have hit a mindboggling milestone of 80,000 learners certified as Carbon Literate.

This achievement signifies that more than 160,000 commitments have been pledged – spanning across communities, businesses, local authorities, schools, and universities worldwide – to reduce carbon emissions in all sectors of society.

These 160,000 actions have saved an estimated 288,000 tonnes of CO2e*. But this figure represents more than just an abstract stat. Behind it stands 80,000 Carbon Literate citizens, spread across the globe, all – doing things differently, affecting their organisations and their communities, creating the market for low-carbon goods and services, and changing society with increasing rapidity. It represents a cultural shift that is not only anticipated but already occurring.

This milestone comes after only reaching  70,000 certified learners  at the end of August 2023, meaning we certified 10,000 learners in just over four months!

It took seven years to reach the first 10,000 learner milestone, but only two to double it, and one to double it again – hitting 40,000 learners just 18 months ago. In the last year alone, we’ve certified another 30,000 learners – a figure almost equivalent to the total of the previous three years combined – and this exponential growth shows no sign of slowing down! A good thing considering that, without widespread Carbon Literacy, climate change won’t slow down either.

Since reaching our last learner milestone, we have welcomed 44 new Carbon Literacy Trainers and Facilitators, 20 Carbon Literate Organisations into the Carbon Literacy family, engaged a further 782 organisations, and accredited a total of 63 unique Carbon Literacy courses – all of which are sure to contribute to the increasing speed at which we are disseminating Carbon Literacy across the globe, to pave the way for a low-carbon future for all.

We could not have achieved this incredible milestone or the scale of growth we’re experiencing without all of the hard work of the Carbon Literacy community – our valued team of volunteers and staff, our recognised Partners, the hundreds of trainers, and the thousands of organisations and learners who have undertaken and achieved Carbon Literacy. Thanks to all of you, concrete action against climate change is being taken and delivered worldwide.

We are incredibly excited to see what 2024 has in store and what else we can achieve together this year, to progress Carbon Literacy and solidify a low-carbon culture among the places we live, work, and study.

If you want to find out how Carbon Literacy would work for your community, group, or organisation, please get in touch.

If you’d like to support the continued growth and expansion of Carbon Literacy, you can become a Partner of The Carbon Literacy Project via our Partner Scheme. As a small charity operating on a global scale with no government funding, we rely on the support of our generous Partners to help us continue this unprecedented yet necessary growth in demand for Carbon Literacy.

*Our most up-to-date monthly infographic can always be found on our About Us page, alongside information on each metric and descriptions of how we calculate these.

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