Our News

CLO Awards 2023: Call for Applications

January 2023 by Lucia Simmons

Key Information

Deadline for CLO Applications: 6 pm Friday 28th February 2023
The Next CLO Award Ceremony: June 2023, Manchester (Further Details TBC)

In June 2023, we will hold our fourth Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO) Awards!

Engaging with Carbon Literacy and becoming a CLO is a fantastic way for organisations to accelerate their climate action, show their commitment to the low carbon agenda, and help reach net zero targets.

Whether you’re based in Greater Manchester or further afield, have been rolling out Carbon Literacy for years or only recently discovered us, a rapid shift to zero carbon is what the science requires of every person, product, and organisation. So, start 2023 as you mean to go on, and use Carbon Literacy to bring about a low-carbon culture for your people.

What is a CLO?

Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO) accreditation offers organisations a visible ‘badge’ that showcases them as committed to – Carbon Literacy, having a substantial number of people who are Carbon Literate, supporting their Carbon Literate people and maintaining their low carbon culture.

CLO Awards

The CLO Awards is a ceremony and celebration of the achievements of our community. At the awards, CLOs accredited throughout the previous year, leading up to the deadline, will be awarded their physical certificate and trophy. It is also an excellent opportunity for Carbon Literacy champions across a wide range of organisations and sectors to meet, talk, and share best-practice.

At last year’s ceremony, CEOs and leaders from recently accredited Bronze, Silver and Gold CLOs shared their experiences with Carbon Literacy via video, a compilation of which are available to watch via our YouTube channel. For further insight into what you can expect from the awards ceremony, take a look at our rundown of the 2022 CLO Awards.

Due to the extraordinary growth in the number of organisations achieving CLO accreditation in the past year, we expect the 2023 CLO Awards to be packed with awardees from a vast range of sectors, all coming together to celebrate their achievement. We hope to see you there too!

What do I need to do to secure a spot?

This depends on where your organisation is at in its Carbon Literacy journey:

  • If your organisation has already been accredited as a Carbon Literate Organisation since March 2022, you do not need to do anything. You will automatically receive an invitation to the 2023 award ceremony via email closer to the time.
  • If your organisation had previously been accredited as a Carbon Literate Organisation before March 2022, you could apply to upgrade to the next tier.
  • If your organisation is rolling out Carbon Literacy but has not yet applied for Carbon Literate Organisation accreditation, you can apply to become a CLO (at any tier for which you meet the requirements).
  • If your organisation is entirely new to Carbon Literacy, contact us by email (info@carbonliteracy.com) or by phone (0161 298 1782), and we can advise you on the most effective ways to accredit your people and organisation.

How to apply

If your organisation is interested in becoming accredited as a CLO for the first time or upgrading to a higher tier, please follow the link to our Carbon Literate Organisation Pack, which contains everything you’ll need to apply, including information on the fees and application criteria.

Find out more about how to Become a CLO.

Deadline to apply

To make the deadline for the next wave of CLO accreditations and secure your spot at the 2023 CLO Awards, applications must be completed and submitted to The Carbon Literacy Project, with the appropriate fee, by 6 pm Tuesday 28th February 2023.

Please apply with plenty of time, so we are in the best position to assist you with your application and any queries.

Please note: You can still apply to become a CLO at any point after this deadline. You will receive your digital certificate as soon as you are accredited, but will be invited to, and awarded your trophy at, the 2024 awards.


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