
Carbon Literacy in Wales

The Welsh Government and a number of unitary authorities and community & town councils have declared a “climate emergency”. The current Labour government has set a target of 80% reduction of carbon emissions against a 1990 baseline by 2050. It has published “Prosperity for All: A Low Carbon Wales” which sets out how it hopes to achieve this. They have also published Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales which is their adaptation plan.

Whatever party forms the government of Wales, they have a statutory duty to adhere to sustainable development principles and pursue a set of well-being goals. This is mandated by the Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015). A low carbon future and an immediate response to climate change is part of this duty. So the acceptance of the reality of climate change, and a commitment to reduce emissions and adapt to change is a fundamental part of Welsh public policy for the foreseeable future.

The Future Generations Commissioner recognises that Carbon Literacy has an important role to play in achieving the goals and targets that the current government has published as well as the broader aims of the Well-being of Future Generations Act. In the Commissioner’s ten-point plan for decarbonisation, Carbon Literacy for the public sector is called for.

Cynnal Cymru goes further than this; we think that Carbon Literacy should be a defining feature of all education in Wales and part of life-long learning. It is coherent with the Well-being of Future Generations Act and the vision of Wales enshrined in this foundational legislation. We cannot hope to achieve the vision without a Carbon Literate society.

Cynnal Cymru

Cynnal Cymru – Sustain Wales, The Carbon Literacy Project’s official partner in Wales, has been delivering certified Carbon Literacy training since 2017. The National Museum of Wales, Community Housing Cymru and Public Health Wales are just some of the organisations that have benefited from their training. It is now your chance to join a growing movement.

Cynnal Cymru is the leading organisation for Sustainable Development in Wales. Their mission is to make Wales a low carbon, resource-efficient, healthy, just and prosperous society, thriving in balance with the natural ecosystems that support it. They facilitate the talent, skills and innovation of people through their consultancy services, events and training. They enable individuals, organisations and businesses in Wales to deliver measurable change and become leaders and pioneers for a better world.

For further information or to enquire about Carbon Literacy training through Cynnal Cymru, contact


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