– Focus on climate and air quality issues across the UK
– Demonstrate our progress and successes on climate action
– Share the latest climate science
– Highlight and promote economic opportunities arising from clean growth especially to international investors
On Friday 19th, the final day of Green Great Britain Week, there will be a focus on regional action. We’re calling on all organisation and individuals to hold a Carbon Literacy course on the 19th October 2018. We would love for you all to get involved and show just how impactful Carbon Literacy can be. The aim: for as many individuals as possible to become Carbon Literate in a single day.
12 courses are already confirmed, with a further 9 being planned.
There’s still time to take part. Are you up to the challenge?
If your organisation is thinking about holding a CL course in October or is able to run a course on this date, please let us know at info@carbonliteracy.com, so we can discuss this with you further and add you to our list of participating organisations.
We will then be able to promote your continued commitment to Carbon Literacy.