Our News

LinkedIn Pioneers Network

August 2020 by Helen Filby

Image credit: Photo by Airam Dato-on

Have you discovered our Pioneers Network LinkedIn group – CLP Pioneers? If you are a certified Carbon Literacy Facilitator, Trainer or Consultant, or someone who is working to deliver Carbon Literacy training, please join the trainer network to enable a more connected and resourceful space for everyone.

The LinkedIn group was created to continue discussions and ask for advice, tips, support, etc. outside of the regular Pioneers Network events. In recent months, this closed group has become a useful platform for the co-ordination of shadowing/co-facilitation opportunities. If a CL trainer is offering a space to either #shadow or #cofacilitate their session, they are able to post the details on the page using one, or both, of those hashtags. Interested trainers can engage directly with these posts, and details can be jointly arranged to fill the space/s. Please be advised, notifications will not pop-up when others post on the page, so check the page directly and regularly to ensure you don’t miss any opportunity.

This group also acts as an extra space in which you can get updates from the Carbon Literacy Project team, outside of the Trainer newsletter.

Whilst on social media, don’t forget to keep an on #CLResource on Twitter for any current or topical resources we come across, which can be a great addition to keeping your CL training fresh and up-to-date.

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