Upcoming Updates to the CLO Standard
We are pleased to announce that the Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO) Standard is being updated after five successful years and almost 200 accredited CLOs. These...
Upcoming Updates to the CLO Standard
We are pleased to announce that the Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO) Standard is being updated after five successful years and almost 200 accredited CLOs. These...
The Carbon-bola: A Round-up!
On Monday 7th August, our Carbon-bola - the Carbon Literacy Tombola - came to an end, and we are now delighted to announce that a...
Go Bigger Better Bolder for the Action Day
With the Carbon Literacy Action Day (CLAD) now less than four months away, we are looking forward to supporting an array of organisations and trainers to...
Robinsons Become First Brewer and Pub CLO
Robinsons Brewery is the world's first brewer and pub company to achieve Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO) status. The following is a guest blog, originally published by...
Navigating Climate Anxiety: Insights from CL Trainers
“Climate change is a very complex topic that is not just about data, information and physics, it's about culture, politics and psychological responses,” said climate...
Net Zero Carbon Neutral Confusion
Net zero, zero carbon, carbon neutral – these are all terms that we’ve heard, and probably used at some point, but currently they’re often used...
CL in Conversation: Cabinet Office Green Network Chair
Ahead of scientists confirming that July was the hottest month ever on record, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres spoke out, “For the entire planet it...
Celebrating Toolkit Certification Milestones
In 2020, The Carbon Literacy Project began producing a series of Toolkits to support key sectors to deliver Carbon Literacy training, helping them to reduce...
CL in Conversation: Theatre-maker
Image credit: Origin8Photography via ABTT In Conversation with Jennifer Taillefer, Theatre-maker & Carbon Literacy Trainer Earlier this month, our Museums Coordinator, Jack, had the pleasure...
KSB train 10% of all Carbon Literate learners!
We are incredibly excited to announce that over 6,000 Carbon Literate learners have been certified as a result of Keep Scotland Beautiful’s Carbon Literacy® training...
Carbon Insetting vs Carbon Offsetting
Photo by Federico Respini on Unsplash Many consumers have heard of carbon offsetting, used often by companies to compensate for their carbon emissions. However, another...
Climate Change & the Plastic Crisis
Photo by Linus Belanger on Unsplash In recent years, plastic pollution has reached a point where its ubiquity is impossible to ignore. It has infiltrated...