Carbon Literacy Pioneers
Monday 29th of October saw the re-convening of our Carbon Literacy Pioneers event, held at HOME, in Manchester. This event was a fantastic way of...
Carbon Literacy Pioneers
Monday 29th of October saw the re-convening of our Carbon Literacy Pioneers event, held at HOME, in Manchester. This event was a fantastic way of...
Carbon Literacy Training News
Read the full training newsletter to find out what's been happening in the world of Carbon Literacy. You can also view past newsletters, and subscribe to future newsletters.
EAUC Conference – MMU’s Model of CL
On June 21st as part of a team of Carbon Literacy Ambassadors from Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), I attended The Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC)...
Day 3 – Tools Conference Write-up
From the 30th May – 2nd June 2018, our Project Coordinator attended the Patagonia Tools for Grassroots Activists Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We were invited to...
Day 2 – Tools Conference Write-up
From the 30th May – 2nd June 2018, our Project Coordinator attended the Patagonia Tools for Grassroots Activists Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We were invited to...
Green Great Britain Week
Green Great Britain Week will be on the 15th – 19th October 2018. It has come about through BEIS’s (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s) Clean Growth Strategy,...
Trainer Newsletter
We are going to start producing a trainer specific newsletter, designed so those who need to be are kept up-to-date with our internal processes. This...
Carbon Literacy’s Top Pick of Online Courses – Part One
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash Carbon Literacy’s Top Pick of Online Courses – Part One 25th April 2018 Want to learn more about the...
Updates to the Carbon Literacy Standard
For those eagle-eyed amongst you, you might’ve noticed that we’ve updated our Carbon Literacy Standard. This includes general updates throughout, a new section covering ‘Process’,...
My Experience of Becoming a Carbon Literacy Trainer
In October 2016 I began the five week Train-the-Trainer programme for Carbon Literate students at Manchester Metropolitan University. Since then I have: – Delivered 11...
Hints and Tips for Rolling Out CL Using E-learning
One of the requirements of the Carbon Literacy Standard is an understanding of some of the science behind climate change. We understand that it’s a...
Trainer Spotlight: Salon Futures
Jordan Peel, founder and Managing Director of Salon Futures, came to see the team at Cooler Projects, home of the Carbon Literacy Project, to tell...