Our News

March 2020 by Emma Richards

Year-End Discount Scheme 2020

Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash You may have an idea of the numbers of staff or students that you’re hoping to put through Carbon...

Year-End Discount Scheme 2020
March 2020 by Emma Richards

13,000 Certified Learners

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the heightened fear and anxiety many are feeling, it brings us a little happiness to let you know...

13,000 Certified Learners
January 2020 by Emma Richards

12,000 Certified Learners

As we head out of the first month of 2020 we've already hit a new milestone - 12,000 learners certified as Carbon Literate! This means...

12,000 Certified Learners
January 2020 by Emma Richards

The Impact of Behaviour Change

The Carbon Literacy Project is first and foremost a large-scale behaviour change project, working at the micro-level of individual businesses, schools, communities, etc., to drive...

The Impact of Behaviour Change
January 2020 by Helen Filby

Carbon Literacy Training News

Read the full training newsletter to find out what’s been happening in the world of Carbon Literacy. You can also view past newsletters, and subscribe to future newsletters.  

Carbon Literacy Training News
December 2019 by James Boyd

Carbon Literacy’s October Pioneers Event

Tuesday 29th October saw us host the latest Carbon Literacy Pioneers Network at Innospace on Chester Street, in Manchester. These events provide a platform for...

Carbon Literacy’s October Pioneers Event
October 2019 by Helen Filby

Carbon Literacy Training News

Read the full training newsletter to find out what’s been happening in the world of Carbon Literacy. You can also view past newsletters, and subscribe to future newsletters.  

Carbon Literacy Training News
May 2019 by Fiona Ieong and Emma Richards

Manchester Met University’s Carbon Literacy Trainer Awards

Manchester Metropolitan University held an awards do last week to celebrate individuals from its third and fourth cohort of students successfully completing their training to...

Manchester Met University’s Carbon Literacy Trainer Awards
March 2019 by Helen Filby

Trainer Top Tips

During our Pioneers Network at HOME, there was some great discussion towards the end involving what the trainers themselves thought made a successful Carbon Literacy...

Trainer Top Tips
January 2019 by Natalia Phipps

Could You Benefit from a Co-Facilitator?

It’s been mentioned to The Project that trainers would sometimes like assistance delivering Carbon Literacy training, such as through the aid of a co-facilitator. As...

Could You Benefit from a Co-Facilitator?
January 2019 by Helen Filby

Carbon Literacy’s January Pioneers Event

The final Monday of January saw the hosting of our Carbon Literacy Pioneers Network, at HOME, Manchester. These events are an informal space for facilitators,...

Carbon Literacy’s January Pioneers Event
November 2018 by Natalia Phipps

World’s First Carbon Literacy Training Organisations

We're excited to announce that we now have three organisation with CLTO (Carbon Literacy Training Organisation) status - Keep Scotland Beautiful, Great Places Housing, and...

World’s First Carbon Literacy Training Organisations

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