The Carbon Literacy Double: Wrapped
In April, we took part in the Green Match Fund - a match funding campaign organised by The Big Give - and what a week...
The Carbon Literacy Double: Wrapped
In April, we took part in the Green Match Fund - a match funding campaign organised by The Big Give - and what a week...
The Carbon Cost of AI
Photo by Google DeepMind on Unsplash News of ChatGPT has been everywhere in recent months, from its potential to be used by students to write...
The Launch of the Carbon Literacy Sports Kit
On 25th April, we headed to the annual BASIS Conference in Bristol to launch our brand new Sports Kit, an adaptable, complete Carbon Literacy Toolkit...
Auto Trader Awarded Hat-Trick for Carbon Literacy
Auto Trader received a hat-trick of awards in March this year, first being awarded as a Carbon Literacy Training Organisation, then achieving Platinum Carbon Literate...
Climate Change in Movies and TV Shows
Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash Have you ever wondered how much you'd know about World War II if there weren't hundreds of movies on...
Introducing the Carbon Literacy Double!
Imagine if you could make one donation, that has double the impact? We are excited to announce that we have been selected by The Big...
The Business Case for Carbon Literacy
The need for Carbon Literacy has never been more urgent than now. With the growing understanding of the effects of everyday consumption on the carbon...
The Carbon Literacy Sports Kit – Coming Soon!
The sports sector has a significant climate impact, as our previous blog on the sector's carbon footprint explored. From the energy used by major stadiums...
Harnessing the Power of ‘The Beautiful Game’
The following is a guest blog written by Sustainability & Insights Manager at Birmingham County Football Association, Richard Lindsay, and Carbon Literacy trainer, Graeme Heyes,...
The Carbon Cost of Social Media
Since the launch of the first social media platform SixDegrees in 1997, social media has become a feature of our everyday lives. Almost 3bn people...
Ecoflix – Streaming Where ‘Only Nature Profits’
Recently, we talked about the carbon cost of streaming. But what if you could actively support wildlife and protect the planet, through your streaming habits,...
A New Pathway for Parish, Town & Community Councils
New Carbon Literacy Parish, Town and Community Councils Toolkit Course launching on Monday 20th March With over half of the emissions cuts needed to meet net-zero relying...