ReminiScent – CL Inspired Art
As a Designer of Experiences, I use play and interactivity to tell stories and create interventions in everyday life. I take an anthropological approach to design...
ReminiScent – CL Inspired Art
As a Designer of Experiences, I use play and interactivity to tell stories and create interventions in everyday life. I take an anthropological approach to design...
June’s Carbon Literacy Newsletter
Read the full June Newsletter to find out what's been happening in the world of Carbon Literacy. You can also view past newsletters, and subscribe to future newsletters.
Day 3 – Tools Conference Write-up
From the 30th May – 2nd June 2018, our Project Coordinator attended the Patagonia Tools for Grassroots Activists Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We were invited to...
Day 2 – Tools Conference Write-up
From the 30th May – 2nd June 2018, our Project Coordinator attended the Patagonia Tools for Grassroots Activists Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We were invited to...
Our Faith, Our Planet, Our Actions Workshop
On the evening of the 7th June, faith communities across Greater Manchester came together in Manchester Cathedral to discuss climate change action. Fueled by fantastic...
Unique Manchester Charity in David vs Goliath battle for National Eco Award
Manchester charity The Carbon Literacy Project has been shortlisted for Environmental Awareness Campaign of the Year in the national Business Green Leaders Awards up against giants such...
Salford: Leading the Way to a Zero Carbon 2038
On Friday 8th June, the Salford Carbon Literacy Consortium and CL4RPs Consortiumjointly hosted an event at the University of Salford, MediaCityUK to discuss how Salford and Greater Manchester can...
Day 1 – Tools Conference Write-up
From the 30th May – 2nd June 2018, our Project Coordinator attended the Patagonia Tools for Grassroots Activists Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We were invited to...
Putting Carbon Literacy to Work – Lauren Wood
I have always been environmentally conscious and wished to have a career in this area. However I currently work as a Recruitment Consultant, which I...
Green Great Britain Week
Green Great Britain Week will be on the 15th – 19th October 2018. It has come about through BEIS’s (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s) Clean Growth Strategy,...
Celebrating Our Volunteers
Did you know that it’s National Volunteers Week! The Carbon Literacy Project office is always bustling due to our hardworking and passionate volunteers, who are pivotal...
May’s Carbon Literacy Newsletter
Read the full April Newsletter to find out what's been happening in the world of Carbon Literacy. You can also view past newsletters, and subscribe to future newsletters.